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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen


2022/2023 School Year

29th Jun 2023
Children really ennjoyed exploring these painiting techniques and the masking tape...
22nd Jun 2023
Primary 4&5 had a very enjoyable trip to Airtastic Entertainment Centre in Craigavon...
22nd Jun 2023
Massive congratulations to our Girls' Gaelic team who won the County Fermanagh League...
21st Jun 2023
Today we said 'Goodbye' to Miss Wang, our Mandarin tutor. Emily and Conan, our Chairperson...
16th Jun 2023
Massive congratulations to all our pupils who participated in our Sports Day activities...
14th Jun 2023
Well done to all our pupils who participated in the Fermanagh Cross-Country Championships...
13th Jun 2023
On Monday 12th June we were delighted to welcome the brilliant musician and singer...
13th Jun 2023
On Friday 9th June our P6/7 boys' and girls' Gaelic football teams participated...