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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

21st Mar 2024
Primary 7 had a wonderful time on Wednesday 20 March getting involved in the BEE...
20th Mar 2024
Our school was delighted to benefit from the School Food Support Programme funded...
20th Mar 2024
On Friday 15th March we were delighted to participate in an Irish Language GAA Blitz...
19th Mar 2024
We are so proud of all pupils who celebrated St Patrick's Day by wearing GREEN clothing...
14th Mar 2024
Primary 5 enjoyed showcasing their Egyptian Assembly this week. In the 'Big Discovery',...
14th Mar 2024
Congratulations to our Fermanagh Feis Art Winners 2024! Photograph 1 P1 Oonagh Owens...
8th Mar 2024
To celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge, P6 children used the Irish Language to tell us...
8th Mar 2024
Today we celebrated World Book Day. The day began with our annual World Book Day...
7th Mar 2024
Today we welcomed Mia, our Mandarin tutor, and her colleagues from the Confucius...
6th Mar 2024
Today our girls' Gaelic football team participated in the County Fermanagh Cumann...