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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen


2023/2024 School Year

7th Mar 2024
Today we welcomed Mia, our Mandarin tutor, and her colleagues from the Confucius...
6th Mar 2024
Today our girls' Gaelic football team participated in the County Fermanagh Cumann...
6th Mar 2024
As part of our celebrations for Seachtain na Gaeilge, all classes participated in...
6th Mar 2024
As part of their World Around Us topic, Amazing Africa, our Primary 3/4 class visited...
5th Mar 2024
The children in P2&3 are really enjoying their topic 'All About Space'. ...
1st Mar 2024
On Wednesday 28 Feb pupils from St Mary's PS and Tempo CPS continued to really enjoy...
1st Mar 2024
On Wednesday 21 Feb pupils from P5-7 St Mary's PS and P4-7 Tempo CPS participated...
9th Feb 2024
To conclude our activities for Children's Mental Health Week 2024, all pupils wore...