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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen

French Day!!

26th May 2023

Barnaby Bear has been on his travels to France this week.  We have been having great fun learning all about where he is, what he has been up to and what he has been eating!

Today, we have been trying some of the French foods that Barnaby has tasted!  We have tried, croissants, Pain au Chocolat, French baguette, Brie, Madeleines and of course some French sweets, thanks to Mrs Kelly's husband who had to go to France last week!

We finished off our French day with a little stem activity: Making an Eiffel Tower using the equipment and materials provided.  The aim of the activity was to make the tower stay up on its own!!  We had a fun filled day and perhaps made a Leaning Tower of Pisa instead!

Thanks to all the children for taking part.