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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen
Primary One Enrolment - September 2025 Online applications for Primary 1 enrolment in September 2025 will open at 12noon on Friday 10 January 2025 and will close at 12noon on Friday 24 January 2025.Guidance for parents can be accessed at: [Primary One Enrolment - Sept 2025]
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'Mind and Me' programme

16th Oct 2024
Today our Primary 5 children welcomed Joanne Aiken from Aware NI. Joanne delivered the wonderful programme, 'Mind and Me'.

The main aim of this programme is to raise our awareness of the connection between Physical and Mental Health.

Through a range of interactive activities, the children learned alot about how they can look after their mental health by:
Being Active
Giving to Others
Being Connected
Keep learning
Taking Notice
These five ways to well-being were explored through activities, including acting, breathing exercises, people bingo, ball games, dance, and voting with our feet. 

There was ample opportunities to explore feelings and to identify people we can talk to when we need support. the programme ended with children celebrating differences and sharing compliments with one another.

A FUN and informative morning enjoyed by ALL!!