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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen
Primary One Enrolment - September 2025 Online applications for Primary 1 enrolment in September 2025 will open at 12noon on Friday 10 January 2025 and will close at 12noon on Friday 24 January 2025.Guidance for parents can be accessed at: [Primary One Enrolment - Sept 2025]
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PHDG Nutrition Videos Leaflet.PNG

3rd Oct 2023

Dear Parents, 
All schools are encouraged to advocate a consistent message about healthy eating, as per the Food in Schools Policy. This means all food and drink provided and consumed within the education setting should be nutritious and of good quality. School meals are a great choice; however, if parents decide to provide a packed lunch, or morning break or snack, the attached leaflet may be useful for healthy eating tips and ideas.