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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen
Primary One Enrolment - September 2025 Online applications for Primary 1 enrolment in September 2025 will open at 12noon on Friday 10 January 2025 and will close at 12noon on Friday 24 January 2025.Guidance for parents can be accessed at: [Primary One Enrolment - Sept 2025]
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St Patrick's Day Talent Show

16th Mar 2023

Well done to all our pupils and staff for celebrating St Patrick's Day at school today. The colour GREEN was evident everywhere!!! Pupils loved participating in Irish Language lessons from Miss Marie Maguire, and then we were seriously entertained in the afternoon by our wonderfully TALENTED pupils.

Pupils sang songs, played musical instruments, danced (including Irish dancing), performed gymnastics and martial arts, told jokes, talked about their art work and interests, recited poetry, etc... WELL DONE EVERYONE!