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St Mary's Primary School, Enniskillen

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

2nd Jun 2023
P3 have been having lots of fun in the hot sun today. A little ice pop really helped...
26th May 2023
Barnaby Bear has been on his travels to France this week.  We have been having...
26th May 2023
For the last few weeks Primary 2 have been learning lots of wonderful facts about...
26th May 2023
Today we were delighted to receive a massive contribution of Gaelic football equipment,...
23rd May 2023
Yesterday St Mary's was awash with GREEN as we welcomed County Fermanagh Ladies...
22nd May 2023
In maths, the children have been focusing on finding the volume of 3D shapes using...
19th May 2023
The children are enjoying learning all about 'Music Makes the World go Round' this...
16th May 2023
P4/5 recently completed a topic called The Gift of Chocolate. Through this topic...
16th May 2023
Congratulations to our Primary 4 children who celebrated their First Holy Communion...